
Just like a Ledger

There are several screens that show you a "list"  of records.  Order List,  Tag List  to name a few.   Working with lists is the fastest way to find and update the data you want.   They are similar to a spreadsheet where you have Rows and Columns.

Think of your paper ledger sheet where you have written down the Customer, drop off date,  # of animals,  etc.   But you didn't have to write anything.  Just by entering the Order and updating new information (like Hang Weight after slaughter),  these lists do all the hard work !

Now,  imagine being able to arrange,  add,  print  that data with just a few keystrokes or mouse clicks.   It would be like having dozens of copies of your old ledger at one time.  

Here are a few examples of what a list screen can do:

  • Who is picking up today  ?
  • Show me the Customers with Beef only
  • How many do not have a Cut Sheet ?
  • Show me who is Cutting between these dates ?
  • Who is dropping off Hogs two months from now ?

And you could see all that with a few keystrokes and mouse clicks.

List Screens have these common features:

  • Sort columns Ascending or Descending
  • Filter columns (text input or select from a dropdown)
  • Select rows and Save so you have just a few to work with
  • Print the saved rows
  • Select a Date Range and print those rows
  • Search ALL the columns
  • Display additional columns
  • See Open or Closed rows
  • Select pre-defined Views with different columns

List screens always start by showing the "Open"  items.  This way you always know which Orders,  Tags,  Invoices etc.  are currently "in progress".

 There is a way to see "Closed"  Orders,  Tags,  Invoices as well.


List screens have a Status drop down so you see rows that are "Deleted",  "Cancelled"  etc.

Row Options

On a List screen there are usually several actions you can do on any one row(s),  like:

  • Print
  • See/Add Notes
  • Delete (or Cancel)


List Screen Date Range

When you select a View,  you also get to select a range of dates