Step #9: How do I enter the Hang Weight ?

When the Kill Sheet comes back you need to enter the Hanging Weights.   The Tag List will show you all the ones waiting for an update by displaying the Weight in ORANGE.

From Anywhere

  1. Navigate to  Tags  >  Hang Weight.
  2. Click on on either the orange Tag#  or Weight  column.
  3. Start by clicking the first pencil under  HWA (Hang Weight A side)
  4. Enter the Hang Weights,  Ear Tags for that Order using  the TAB key to advance to the next field.
  5. Close the screen and you will see the Tag list.  The data you entered will now be black.

From the Dashboard

On the Dashboard you can use the button "Hang Weight"   under  "To Do".

It is the same as Step 1  above.