SuiteCRM Walton RoofingOpportunitiesLog a Call (Opportunity)

Log a Call (Opportunity)

A phone call is the most common interaction between you and the Customer.  Each call has the potential to create new business and/or maintain a good relationship.  So it is important to log calls and make sure they get seen by the right person.

Calls are "connected" to a Lead,  Opportunity,  Account  etc.  Just like everything else in your CRM.  


Quick Call

The fastest way to log a call is using the Quick Create menu at the top of every screen.  

  1. Click on the white PLUS symbol
  2. Click "Log Call"  from the Menu


There are 6 steps you will need to enter or change the data:

  1. Subject - a short reason for the Call (need estimate,  have question,  leak,  etc).
  2. Description - detail of the conversation
  3. Related to Module (dropdown)   The  Module (Lead, Opportunity,  Account etc.) this call is connects to
  4. Related to Name (search)            The name of the Module record (Lead Name, Opp Name  etc.)
  5. Assigned (search)                         The  Sales Rep is responsible for follow up

So lets get started . . .
