Completing the Cut Sheet
Depending on what Items were selected, a Customer may be waiting a few weeks to pick up their meat. Curing alone can take 7 days and cooking batches another several days. After all the cutting, wrapping, cooking etc. is done, you need to "Complete" the Cut Sheet Entry Form so you can create an Invoice.
- Enter the paackages into Storage
- Enter the number of pieces (packages) of some Items
- Enter the total weight of those packages.
- Enter a Complete Date
You can access the screen to complete a Cut Sheet from the Tag list or by using the Scanner.
Complete a Cut Sheet from the Tag List
- Navigate Tags > Open Tags
- Find the Tag #
- Click the dropdown at the end of the row then click the EYE
NOTE : You can also go to the Cut Sheet Entry Form by clicking the scissors. The EYE icon is at the top of the screen.
The Cut Sheet Entry Form will open in a new TAB, but instead of the checkboxes you will see a different screen.

Enter Packages into Storage
- Click the Storage icon
- Click the green + button to add
- Enter the kind of package, type of container, which Room and what Shelf (area)
- Click Save
Complete Date
The Complete Date is tells the system this Cut Sheet data is ready to Invoice.
- Click the open space or the small calendar.
- Click the date you want - usually today
- Click the blue Save button

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