#9 Invoice

Creating an Invoice takes just a few clicks.

  1. Navigate to Tags -->  Packaged Tags  (i.e.  Complete Date has been filled in).
  2. Find the Tag by searching the list or column
  3. Click on the  green plus at the end of the row (was previously a scissor).
  4. Click the checkbox to verify and enable the "Create Invoice" button.
  5. Click the "Create Invoice" button.  If you do not want to make an Invoice,  click "Cancel"

A summary of the Invoice is show.  A few things to mention:

  1. If multiple Tags are being billed,  you only see the first Tag#.
  2. The Create Invoice button is disabled (grey) until you check the box.
  3. This screen does not have the small X and you cannot click on the dark area.  You click one of the buttons.

Note:  If you make an Invoice and it needs correcting,  you have 2 choices:

  • Make an adjustment.
  • Delete the Invoice,  fix what is incorrect and make a new Invoice.

After creating the Invoice the Tag no longer appears on the Tag List since  it is not "Open".

Instead,  it now shows on the Invoice List !