Confirm Orders

Confirming Orders helps keeps production running smoothly.    A simple phone call to remind the Producer of their appointment can save a lot of trouble.  

Orders can be confirmed individually or in a group.

Confirm Orders from the Dashboard

To make things easy,  the Dashboard will tell you how many Orders are approaching Drop Date and have not yet been confirmed.

  1. Navigate to Dashboard
  2. Click yellow "Not Confirmed" button
  3. For each Order it is a good idea to make a Note recording you phone call.
  4. Click the red thumb to confirm the Order


Add a Note

Sure you can just click the red thumb and mark the Order confirmed.  But if you call and add a Note  the system will back you up.

Confirm Single Order from Order List

To confirm Orders follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Order List  > Open Orders
  2. Find the Order
  3. Click on the red thumb to Confirm (click on green to Unconfirm)

Confirm multiple Orders

To Confirm multiple Orders :

  1. Navigate to Orders -> Open Orders
  2. Click on the checkbox for each row you want to Confirm
  3. Click on the button at the top of the list that shows a thumbs up