#3 Tags & Kill Sheets

You probably use a hand-written or pre-printed  "Tag"  for attaching to the carcass.   The system will generate these for you,  keeping track of the next number.

On the day before or the morning of Drop Off,  you will create a Tag# for each animal.   You will also print a handy Kill Sheet to record the hanging weights and indicate if Organs need to be saved.  

To Make Tags and Print Kill Sheets, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Home
  2. Click yellow  "Tags & Kill Sheets"  button
  3. Review all the animals listed and make any updates (Ear Tag,  Sex,  Breed etc.)
  4. Click blue "Make Tags"  button.
  5. Click the "Print Kill Sheets"  button

The system keeps track of the next Tag number for each Species.     It only takes a few seconds to generate the new Tag #'s and Kill Sheets.

This message appears before you view and make Tags.

Here is an example of a Kill Sheet.

Here is an example of the kind of labels you can print to attach to the carcass.