A note about Notes

Why have Notes ?

As much as we tried,  creating a space for every bit of important information just isn't possible.  So we built a Note system to give you extra flexibility to keep track of the details.

You add Notes while working with each of the modules, i.e.  Orders,  Tags,  Invoices  etc.  So you could say the Notes are "attached" to an Order,  Tag  etc.  

This is done for a few reasons:

  1. You don't have to type the  Order#,  or Tag#  or Customer name in your Note.
  2. It allows the system to keep track of how many Notes you have for an Order,  Tag#  etc.

Notes can be attached to pretty much EVERYTHING in our system:

  • Orders
  • Animals on an Order
  • Tags
  • Invoices
  • Payments
  • Each item on the cut sheet
  • Storage


Adding Notes on a List Screen

When viewing a list of Orders,  Tags,  Accounts  etc.  you can add a Note by following these steps:

  1. Click the drop down arrow at the end of the row
  2. Click the Note icon ( black oval shape ).
  3. You will be on a modal screen showing you a list of existing Notes (if any)
  4. Click the big green + sign to add.
  5. Enter a Description,   Note type,   and check "Reminder"  if you need to followup on this Note.
  6. Click Save button
  7. Your Note now appears in the list.
  8. Close the modal screen by clicking the  X  or the "Close"  button

Note Types

Reminder Notes

There are times when a Note is not "finished". For example,  you might enter a Note when calling a Producer but had to leave a message.  You will want to call again (or wait for their call).

To "remind"  yourself,  just check the "Reminder"  checkbox and the system will keep track of these Notes.

To remove the reminder,  just uncheck the checkbox.

The Line#  field is used when you are adding "instructions"  for an Item.  For example,  Summer Sausage may have a few steps like :

  1. Grind meat with 5/8 plate
  2. Mix dry ingredients
  3. Mix meat,  dry and wet together for 5 minutes.

If you enter a Line number for each step,  it will print out.

View Reminders

To see your Reminders simply click on the sticky Note icon in the Navigation bar.

Edit a Note/Change Reminder

To Edit a Note,  follow these steps:

  1. Click on the blue "Description"
  2. Make your changes
  3. Click the "Update"  button.