Red Tag

What does Red Tag mean ?

When a Beef is over 30 months old it should be have Red Tag set to "Yes" so it is kept separate during processing.

There are two places where you can set Red Tag  to  'Yes':

The Kill updated where you enter the hanging weights

The Tag list edit row.

Note:  Animals that have a Red Tag CANNOT be Grouped !

Set Red Tag on Hanging Weight screen

Set Red Tag on Tag List

Here are the steps to change Red Tag from the Tag list:

  1. Navigate to Tags--> Processing
  2. Find the Tag
  3. Click on the blue date column
  4. Click on the Misc/Other  panel
  5. Change the  Red Tag to 'Yes'
  6. Click 'Save'

On a species where there is no Red Tag,  the option will be disabled.