Drop Off Sheet/Pen#

The system allows you to print a handy "Drop Off" list to use when animals arrive.    This is another way the data from the Order is used to create a form no one wants to do manually.

  • Provides a list of who, what and how many animals are scheduled
  • A place to record the Pen# and contents  (it will later print on the Kill Sheet)

There are a few ways you can view and print the Orders being dropped off.

Drop Off list from Dashboard

To print a Drop off list from the Dashboard follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Home
  2. Click the yellow "Drop Off" button
  3. Click the printer icon at the top of the list.

As the animals arrive write down the Pen# and Pen Contents

Updating Pen#

Once the animals have been put in their pens,  you can update the system easily with these steps:

  1. Navigate to Home
  2. Click on yellow "Drop Off" button
  3. Click on pencil to edit.
  4. Fill in the Pen# and Pen Contents for Each order using what was written on the form
  5. Click "Save Order Info"  to close the screen.
  6. When the Order list returns your entry will show.