#4 Hang Weight
After slaughter the Hang Weights are recorded on the Kill Sheet, like this. They need to be entered because you most likely Invoice using the Hang Weight.
Update Hang Weights from Dashboard
To update Hang Weights in the system, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Home
- Click on yellow Hang Weight button.
- The Tag List appears. The HW column has orange "default weights". Click on the row that matches the Tag# on your paper.
- You will see the screen used to enter the Hang Weights. It shows ALL the Tags from the Order because that is whats printed on the Kill Sheet.
- Click into the HWA column and type the weight. Press TAB to advance to the next column or row.
- When finished, click Close.
When you return to the Tag List you will see the new Hang Weight, in black.
Update Hang Weight using the Scanner
If you are using barcodes, you can scan the Kill Sheet to get to this screen no matter where you are in the system.