What is an Order ?
New name for old habit
When a Producer calls and wants to bring in some animals, what do you do ?
- Get the calendar to look for an opening on or near the day they need.
- Get a blank cut sheet form and write their name, phone number etc.
- Decide the best date.
- Write their name, species & qty on the calendar and the cut sheet form.
Using software this can be accomplished without leaving your desk, picking up a pencil or even typing their name (if they already exist in the system).
An Order is the first step in our system. It means a Producer has set a date to bring X number of animals for processing. You could also refer to it as "Scheduling an animal", "making a Reservation" or "booking a kill date".
ORDERS have these features:
- A unique sequential number
- Multiple species
- Multiple animals per species
- The SAME Drop and Kill date for ALL animals
- Different cut dates for any of the animals
- Add or Remove animals easily
- Add or Change Selected Items on EACH Animals
- Copy saved Item Selections
- Can be printed and emailed
- Can be rescheduled
- Can be cancelled
- Can be confirmed
- Can be created by your Customers
- Add or Change additional customers who may be paying (like splitting a beef)
- Identify animals with Ear Tag, Sex and Breed and Notes
- Automatically updates the Drop, Kill and Cut dates on the Calendar
So with this one step you have all this ability, information and the joy of not having to write anything.
By using Orders, you can fill your calendar as far in advance as needed. Certain times of the year are much busier so encourage your customers to "reserve" their dates.