Take 10 Steps Forward


On a daily basis, you only need to do these steps to get an animal from Scheduled to Paid:

And you will probably notice they are the same tasks you have been doing all along on paper.

Between each of these steps some amount of time passes.   For example,  you can schedule an Animal today that will dropped off two months from now.    But it is usually only a few hours between Updating the # of packages and Making an Invoice.


Minimum Daily Requirements Benefits/Results
Schedule an Animal Always know who, what, when and how many are coming
Drop Off Check in animals
Make Tags & Kill Sheets Create unique tracking # for each animal
Hanging Weights So you bill for processing by the #
Select Items to Cut Pick Items & Options to Cut/Cure/Cook
Print Cut Sheets Instructions for Cutters
Update Pieces & Weights Number of Packages and final weight for Specialty Items
Storage Locate product easily for pickup
Make Invoice Charge the customer for your hard work
Collect Payment Finally make some money