Confirm Orders
Confirming Orders helps keeps production running smoothly. A simple phone call to remind the Producer of their appointment can save a lot of trouble.
Orders can be confirmed individually or in a group.
Confirm Orders from the Dashboard
To make things easy, the Dashboard will tell you how many Orders are approaching Drop Date and have not yet been confirmed.
- Navigate to Dashboard
- Click yellow "Not Confirmed" button
- For each Order it is a good idea to make a Note recording you phone call.
- Click the red thumb to confirm the Order
Add a Note
Sure you can just click the red thumb and mark the Order confirmed. But if you call and add a Note the system will back you up.
Confirm Single Order from Order List
To confirm Orders follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Order List > Open Orders
- Find the Order
- Click on the red thumb to Confirm (click on green to Unconfirm)
Confirm multiple Orders
To Confirm multiple Orders :
- Navigate to Orders -> Open Orders
- Click on the checkbox for each row you want to Confirm
- Click on the button at the top of the list that shows a thumbs up